With The Pupils from Grade 5 Rose

Kumusta po kayo🤗!
Hi everyone!

          A day had passed and now it is my second time for teaching. My topic this time is about "Famous Scientists". Like before, I will teach in two classes, namely grade 5 Camia and Rose. For this time, I am much more confident to carry out the learning process.

The famous scientists that we will study this time are Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, Gregorio Y. Zara, and Paulo C. Campos. We will learn about their famous calls, their discoveries, and their achievements.

As usual, in the early stages I asked students about the past lessons. Then I motivate them to go to the learning process. I ask students to mention famous scientists they know.

When I’m Teaching

Next, I introduced to my students the five famous scientists that will be studied one by one. Here also I explained briefly about their respective findings. As for the rest like their famous designations and their achievements, I encouraged my students tread descriptions about them and I ask them to mention it.

When I’m Teaching

After that, I divided them into five groups. This time I asked each group to work together to make a mind map in the form of a summary of important information from each famous scientist. Each group was asked to make a mind map of important informations from a well-known scientist. This time I used the "Mind Mapping" learning model. I chose this model so that they would remember more about important information about the five famous scientists.

When I’m Teaching

When The Pupils are Making Their Mind Mapping

When finished, I asked two representatives from each group to display their work on the board. Furthermore, the two representatives will explain the related important information from the well-known scientist. Not to forget, I also observed and examined the results of their work. I also gave awards in the form of applause for representatives of each group who had explained the results of their work. The following are photos and videos related to the results of their work.

When Two Representative of Each Group are Presenting Their Work

When Two Representative of Each Group are Presenting Their Work

After everything is finished, I gave them an evaluation sheet. Evaluation sheet here is used to measure their knowledge regarding the lessons learned during the discussions this day. Below are the results of evaluations from students in the 5th grade of Camia and Rose.

When They are Doing Their Task

Their Evaluation

Lastly, the learning process was over, as usual Sir Albert gave his assessment regarding my practice teaching. He said that the method I did was right and it made the students active. And to better control the students, I was asked to be more assertive and give clear and clear instructions.

With such a nice experience, I am happy this time I can teach more comfortably and calmly. In the future, I hope to teach better and be even better😊.

Here I will display a lesson plan for the topics I have taught this time.

Lesson Plan “Famous Scientists”
