I and the Pupils from Grade 5 Rose

This is my fourth time of teaching and the last topic for my practice teaching. The topic is "Special Properties of Solid Materials". This topic is still related to the previous topic, which is "General Properties".

As usual, I will teach two classes, namely grade 5 Camia and Rose. And at this time, I also planned to say words of thanks and apologize to students if I did wrong with them during my teaching. It was sad to be separated when I was already comfortable being here. Likewise with the other friends who also teach at BSU-ELS.

But today it is a little different because there are students from the College of Teacher Education who are observing in the BSU-ELS. It turns out that they will be assigned to have practice teaching too, but the first stage for them is to observe the class assigned to them. In my class there are seven students who are observers. Actually I was shocked when there were so many observers during my time of teaching but that didn't matter to me while teaching😁.

The College Students from BSU (at the back)

In this study, I used the question-and-answer method and learning by doing. At the stage of the core activity, I ask ten students to come forward and put the picture they will get, whether it is porosity, brittleness, or something else. Previously I had posted writings on the blackboard, so they only identified where to put the pictures of the objects.

When the Pupils are Putting the Pictures

After all the students finished putting the picture beside the writing, I invited the students to jointly correct the results of their friends' answers. One by one we corrected together the truth about the examples. And in each correction, I ask students to define the meaning of each type of property as what porosity, ductility, and others are.

To stimulate students' minds, I always ask other examples of objects that are around. For example, I asked "What are other examples of objects that can absorb water?" In addition, I also brought real objects to display to students. The aim is to emphasize the concrete example of the material that exists in everyday life.

When I’m Teaching

After the core activities are finished, I give evaluation questions to students. These evaluation questions ask students to identify ten images into parts of special properties of solid materials. The following is a photo of the questions for evaluation.

The Questions for Evaluation

When finished, I ask students to correct it together. I asked them to exchange their answer paper with another friend. After thatthe problem was discussed one by one and the correctness of the answer was checked. And here is an example of the evaluation results of students in Camia 5th grade.

Sheet Evaluation of a Pupil

After the learning activities ended, as usual Sir Albert gave his assessment regarding the teaching practices that I had carried out. He said that "Everything is good and there are no comments from me, you have done your best". Hearing this, I was happy because all my efforts in improving the way of teaching had paid off with no comments from him.

This is the end of my teaching practice. I have learned and learned many things about how to teach and how to learn about student conditions. This is my provision to become the best teacher in the future. It's sad to say goodbye with my students, but we have promised to always be connected through social media😊.

Here I will display a lesson plan for the topics I have taught this time.

Lesson Plan “Special Properties of Solid Materials”
