10 Delegates of SEA Teacher Project Batch 6 from Indonesia

Hello all😀!

I want to tell you about my experience with the other delegates for SEA Teacher Project Batch 6 at Benguet State University. Incidentally, all of us are from Indonesia. However, we belong to different universities and islands.

Indonesian Map

          This is an interesting experience, and actually this is my first encounter to meet people from other islands in Indonesia. When I meet them and interact with them, I have to adapt with the language. I must use Indonesian (national language) to interact with them. It's also an interesting experience for me to speak Indonesian as a whole, because my everyday language is the Banjar language. If I don't use Indonesian, then they will not understand even a single word that I will be saying😂.

When We are in the BSU Library

         For the first, Ika and I are wearing the bright yellow uniform. Ika is from Lambung Mangkurat University, just like me. But she was on campus in the city of Banjarmasin, while I was in the city of Banjarbaru. We are from the same island, but different cities. With Ika, I did not have any adjustment because we have the same language.

          Furthermore, those who use light blue school uniforms are Rista, Ristya and Wiworo. They came from Sebelas Maret University in the Solo city of Central Java province. They came from the island of Java. One of them is Rista, she is a Primary School Teacher Education. Just like my department, she also teaches in elementary school.

When We are in the BSU Library

Furthermore, those who wear dark blue uniforms are Andyta and Rina. They are from Yogyakarta State University in Special Region of Yogyakarta (we call it D.I. Yogyakarta). They also come from Java.

Risal, Putri, and Fiqih

          And for those who are above, it looks like they have the same alma mater/ uniform. But actually they come from different universities and islands. For Risal, he came from Halu Oleo University in Kendari city, South Sulawesi province (island of Sulawesi). Whereas Putri, she came from Ahmad Dahlan University in Special Region of Yogyakarta (Java island). And finally, Fiqih, he came from Jambi University in Jambi city, Sumatra province (Sumatra island).

When We are in Our Dining Room

I am very happy to meet them and became friends with them. We had spend a lot of time together just to tell stories and even crack jokes. We also learned about each other's culture, and we also learned about many positive things, especially about cooperation and togetherness. We also learned how to respect each other. We developed our motto and it goes this way, "Although different but still one, Indonesia", we will remain united even though there are differences between us. I am very lucky to meet and be acquainted them😊😊.
