Summary and Suggestions

A.      Purpose of Practicum

when I am Teaching

During the SEA Teacher program, I have several motivations and goals that I want to achieve, namely:
1.    I want to apply my knowledge regarding teaching methods and practicing directly in teaching.
2.    I want to practice my skills in teaching, learning to manage class, managing time, and implementing effective learning processes.
3.        I want to develop my teaching skills using English.
4.       I want to learn about education patterns in other countries and take positive things to apply in the teaching process when I become a teacher.

B.       Procedures of Practicum

when I am Teaching

There are 4 stages in my teaching practice procedure at the BSU-Elementary Laboratory School. The first week is the stage for observing the BSU-Elementary Laboratory School as a place for me to carry out teaching practices. The second week is the stage to become a teacher's assistant, where my job here is to help the teacher prepare the learning process and help the teacher while carrying out the learning process. And for the third and fourth weeks is the stage to carry out teaching practices as well as evaluations from my mentor and supervisor regarding observations from my teaching practice.

My Lesson Plan

Related to the procedure of implementing teaching practices, before teaching I was asked to always prepare a learning plan by my mentor. In designing each lesson plan, I have to pay attention to the effective strategies and methods to be used, the selection of learning media that support the learning process, and designing evaluations for students. After a lesson plan is completed, then I will display the lesson plan to my mentor and then it will be examined and responded to by him. After that, then I taught by implementing a learning design from a lesson plan that had been approved by my mentor.
After completing each teaching practice, my mentor will invite me to talk together about the results of his observations and judgments regarding my teaching methods. From there he will explain my strengths and weaknesses while teaching, and he also provides constructive advice to overcome my weaknesses in teaching so that in the future I can carry out the learning process more better.

C.      Outcomes of Practicum

when I am Teaching

After I did the practicum, I got a lot of knowledge and I learned some good ways to do when teaching. These are:
1.   I know how to organize students by being assertive and always giving strict and clear instructions.
2.       I learn and know how to manage time when carrying out the learning process.
3.   I know how to choose the right and effective method to implement an effective learning process.
4.   I learn and know how to carry out contextual learning processes and direct students into critical thinking and analysis.

D.      The Challange of Practicum

when I am Teaching

There are some of my challenges when carrying out teaching practices, including:
1.     The challenge to teach using English, where in reality I am very rare and almost no one uses English in my daily talks while in Indonesia. I also have to add vocabulary related to the topics that I teach so that I can carry out the learning process to the students.
2.   The challenge to teach topics that I think are very specific and serious. When compared to Indonesia, the topic is actually taught to students who are at the level of junior high school and senior high school. So I should think hard about how to design learning that is easily understood by students and fun for them.
3.    Challenges in managing the class as a whole with a very large number of students, 43 people with classrooms that are quite narrow. I must have extra strength in conditioning students to pay attention to the learning process, controlling them when they do things that are disturbing, and arranging seating for students if they are asked to carry out group work.
4.  Challenges in managing time when carrying out the learning process. I have to manage the learning process efficiently so that there is no waste of time and manage how the learning activities that I have designed in the lesson plan can be carried out with the right time. When compared to Indonesia, there is less time allocation here than in Indonesia. If here (in the Philippines) one subject must be completed in 50 minutes, in Indonesia we must complete one subject within 90 minutes.

As the teaching practice process progressed, I learned a lot about how to overcome these challenges. I learned from my mentor and my buddies which they are also students majoring in education who know more about the learning system here. Besides that, I also learned to adapt to speak English by always interacting with my buddies.

E.       Overall Impression

I am with the Teacher  and  the Pupils of BSU-ELS

I am very happy to be placed at the BSU-Elementary Laboratory School in carrying out teaching practices this time. I learned a lot from this school regarding how to teach well, manage classes, manage time, determine the right strategies and methods for teaching, and be creative in making learning media for teaching.
Regarding the learning process at BSU-Elementary Laboratory School, the learning process that always uses contextual approaches, learning activates students, and honing students' skills in critical thinking. The students are also very good at carrying out the daily schedule of teaching and learning activities. I hope I can also implement these things in the learning process that I will later do. And I can be the best teacher for children who can guide and educate them to be smart children.
Not only related to the realm of education, I also learned about the patterns of life or culture of people there such as being disciplined, timely, assertive, creative, and never giving up. These things really inspired me to correct my shortcomings. I am very grateful because I can learn a lot about these positive values, where I will apply these values ​​in my daily life.

F.       Suggestions for Future Improvement

BSU-ELS Building

I hope for the future BSU-Elementary Laboratory School can improve facilities for the teaching-learning process such as LCD installation in each class. With the LCD in each class it will support a varied learning process, increase learning resources, and can improve the quality of learning.
Furthermore, I hope that in the future it will be updated regarding the provision of books in the BSU-Elementary Laboratory School library. With the presence of new books, it is expected that library functions will be more optimal and can arouse the interest of students to visit the library.
And finally I also hope to BSU-Elementary Laboratory School to further beautify the school order, for example by repainting the building and decorating the school yard with various plants. This certainly will increase the comfort and beauty of all residents in the school.
